Friday, January 11, 2013

energy bites.. YUM!

I know you have all been dying to know how to make these DELICIOUS BITES!
Well, the wait is finally over! and let me tell you. IT. IS.
enough chit chat Kelso, lets go.

Ok, beauties here it is!

Mix Together in a medium size bowl:
1 Cup of DRY oatmeal: I like to use the Old Fashion Oats with that old dude on the front ( I know you all know what I'm talking)
1/2 Cup of Chocolate chips: I used Dark Chocolate, but any kind you want would be just fine!
1/2 Cup of Peanut butter: OK this is IMPORTANT, to make these as healthy as they are, use ALL NATURAL PEANUT BUTTER, where the only ingredients in peanuts. This is the kind I use, and will ONLY use. You can get it at Wally world! (Walmart)
1/2 Cup Ground Flax seed: I got this at big lots for a buck-fifty. aka CHEAP
1/3 Cup Honey: I also use all natual honey- nothing added into it.
1 tsp.  Vanilla
Take a spoonful and roll it into a ball.

And that is literally all you do. 
No cooking
Not Time consuming
This is a GREAT pre or post workout snack!
Makes about 12-15 energy balls.
Put them in a tupperware and keep them in your fridge!

Peace and Blessings


  1. Hey! Tell me your hair secret!! I'm already following you my darling, but my URL is:


  2. I'm following too! And if you don't know who I am-(haha) my hubby Kevin worked with Brad at Furniture Row in good ole Draper. We were supposed to start hanging out RIGHT when we found out you were moving! So boo to that, but it looks so fun over there! That temple is so gorgeous! And yes, I want in on this hair secret! :)

    -oh, and our fam blog is: (or just click my pic under "followers" to go to our blog..


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