Monday, November 11, 2013

3 hours later...

Okay real talk. 
I love naps.
Sleeping is truly one of my favorite things ever. 
I had quite the morning today so I decided to take a little snooze. 
Set my alarm to go off in an hour, nice little cat nap. 
Well 3 hours goes by and here I am finally awake.
Not to sure what happened.
I think I just turned my alarm off?
Who knows.
I decided today as much as I love naps
I HAAAAAAATE how I feel when I get up. Like really?
Am I still dreaming?
Did I sleep through the night?
I literally feel crazy when I wake up. 
So freaking dis functional. 
It's not okay.

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  1. I feel the same way - naps are glorious but I am almost ashamed that I slept during the day when I wake up - then I try to go into hyperdrive and get all the things done I should have done while I was napping - but I'm too groggy to get them done efficiently or correctly so I just end up ashamed and frustrated. Naps induce a vicious cycle of a love/hate nature.
    New follower- Whit @ Raspy Wit

  2. Why in the crap haven't I seen your blog until now? I have no idea! But you are so cute. I love love love naps. But then I can't sleep that night. So, I'm with ya girl.


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